Jump to: The basics | Pricing | Meet the members | Convenience | Support | Challenges | Best bits | Value for money | Weight loss | Take home message
It’s worth stating upfront in this article: Second Nature exists because we really disagree with both Weight Watcher’s (WW) and Slimming World’s approach to losing weight.
Why? Because calorie counting and reducing food down to whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is the absolute basic ‘textbook psychology 101’ of what not to do if you don’t want to set people up with unhealthy relationships with food.
Labelling foods as ‘syns’, like Slimming world does, further reinforces this negative relationship.
Ultimately, diets like those on WW & Slimming World repeatedly fail because they tell you what to eat, rather than teaching you why you eat and how to change your eating habits.
We started Second Nature because we were frustrated with the status quo of the weight-loss industry: calorie/point counting, fad diets, and misleading nutrition advice.
However, we know from years of research that losing weight doesn’t need to be hard, boring, or restrictive. We’ve found a way to make it feel easier.
Second Nature combines personalised nutrition advice with behavioural science to automatically retrain your mind to make healthy choices, so these stick in the long run.
We don’t believe in calorie counting or banning entire food groups. We encourage a healthy relationship with food where you’ll never have to count what you eat or feel guilty for enjoying food.
Food is a part of life, celebrations, and experiences!
Through clinical research, we’ve shown that 9 out of 10 people lose weight and keep it off, even after 12 months. All through building healthier habits that become second nature.
We have the most success with people who have tried things like WW for 5/10/20 years and have repeatedly oscillated with their weight. Ultimately, they often blame themselves – when it’s really not their fault.
If you want to give us a go, instead of Slimming World and WW, then the first step is to complete our health quiz .
Otherwise, we’ve included a more descriptive comparison of the three companies below, if helpful.
We also spoke to two Second Nature members, who have all previously tried WW and Slimming World, to get an idea of how they compare from the point of view of a user.
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The basics
Trustpilot score
Trustpilot is a platform where consumers can leave reviews and scores reflect overall customer satisfaction.
Here’s what someone who has tried all 3 programmes had to say:
Second Nature
Dietary approach
Low calorie
Low fat
Lower carb
Caters to vegetarian
Caters to vegan
Signing up
(If cancelling within 14-day trial, otherwise you have to call customer support) ✓ ✓
Second Nature
Pay what you like for the first 2 weeks
Clear breakdown of costs
Clear cancellation policy
Length of programme
All plans ongoing.
Meetings: ongoing
Digital: Core plan 3 months + automatic renewal for ongoing subscription.
Ongoing subscription
Easy to cancel
Refer-a-friend scheme
Easy to include family
Second Nature
Tailors the plan around diabetes
Tailors the plan around other health issues
Face-to-face meetings
(for meeting / meeting + digital plan)
(for meeting plan)
Private chat with a registered dietitian or nutritionist
Developed by dietitians, nutritionists, and health psychologists
Programme features
Second Nature
Award/prize system
Recipe videos in app
Exercise videos in app
Weighing scales provided
(on tech plan)
Tracks sleep
Tracks steps
Education of nutrition science
Coaches provide nutritional videos on the app but are not qualified nutritionists
Counting/point system
(Free Foods®, Healthy Extras®, and Syns®)
Food diary feature
When programmes provide price plans in different formats, it can be hard to accurately compare prices. To make this easier, we have calculated the price of monthly digital basic price plans on each programme to show you how costs compare between programmes (as of Sept 2022). All admin fees are included in these prices.
Weight Watchers is marginally cheaper than Slimming World, and they provide a similar service in terms of support and programme features. On the surface, Second Nature seems slightly more expensive, however, your personal coach is a registered dietitian or nutritionist, rather than a previous member or customer service representative. You also have the same coach throughout the whole Second Nature programme that you can build a relationship with, rather than an ad-hoc response from a different coach each time (Weight Watchers and Slimming World).
Registration to a professional body requires a nationally recognised nutrition or dietetics degree. With Second Nature, you’ll have one-to-one support from a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Ask questions, get advice on your meal plan, and tailor the plan to your lifestyle.
Alternatively, weekly face-to-face sessions with a registered dietitian or nutritionist can be very expensive (£40-£100/hour). We have added a column representing this to compare costs (Weekly Nutritionist – WN).
Monthly (basic) digital subscriptions:
Second Nature
Private chat with a registered dietitian or nutritionist coach
The same, personal coach throughout the programme
If you were to opt for the Weight Watchers® or Slimming World® face-to-face group meeting plans it would work out to be more expensive.
Meet the members
What motivated you to lose weight?
“I felt unhealthy and older than my years physically. I was worried about developing diabetes and many other health problems, such as female cancers. Every so often I would try some form of weight loss plan, but I was going round in circles.”
“Putting on weight since the menopause.”
Did you have fears about losing weight?
“That losing weight would mean a joyless existence of counting and measuring everything I ate. [I did not think] that losing weight could equate to enjoying meals or my food in the same way [but rather] would be a life of endless grumpy hunger!”
“That I would not be able to lose weight as I had a thyroid problem.”
How convenient was each programme?
Weight Watchers®:
“The app was convenient, but the need to count and measure everything was quite oppressive! Following Weight Watchers® did take up a lot of waking thought (constantly working out what I could get with my allowance !)”
“The weekly meetings were not convenient.”
Slimming World®:
“Still a fair bit of counting and measuring, but not as much as Weight Watchers®. I still felt that Slimming World® took up a lot of waking thought.”
“These weekly meetings were also not convenient.”
Second Nature:
“Wasn’t too bad to fit into daily life. I spend less time measuring and counting things but do seem to spend more time planning and cooking meals. I think it takes a bit longer to get used to the guidelines, but I don’t feel Second Nature is as rigid or takes over my waking thoughts as much as the other clubs did. Knowing I can have a nice and satisfying main meal stops me obsessing about food in between meals.”
“I love that Second Nature is online, which makes it very convenient.”
What support was available?
Weight Watchers®:
“Online diary, recipes, and message boards/chat facilities, plus classes (which I didn’t enjoy as I am not a sociable participant in weight loss clubs!). The magazines (which I bought separately) were a good source of info and ideas that I could read privately. I never accessed any online advice”
“Mainly at the weekly meeting. Plus a guide book.”
Slimming World®:
“Online resources felt less developed than Weight Watchers® (although this was a while ago). Classes and magazines were the main support (again preferred magazines).”
“Also mainly at the weekly meeting. Plus I was given a guide book.”
Second Nature:
“The app with recipes plus access to a health coach (through the chat facility). The small groups of starters and the chat facility was also a support.”
“There is health coach support, support from peers, and support through the daily articles, which is all available online.”
What were the main challenges?
Weight Watchers:
“I felt hungry and deprived whilst doing it and did not feel like a way of eating that I would want to sustain long term. I also hated the group meetings.”
“Getting to the meetings and counting points.”
Slimming World:
“I also felt hungry and deprived whilst doing it. The online resources were not as extensive as Weight Watchers®. I also hated the group meetings.”
“Working out their system and getting to the meetings was challenging.”
Second Nature:
“Initially represented quite a major change in eating and cooking style and felt so wrong to use full-fat products but surprisingly it was quite easy to get used to and does feel like a way of eating that I could happily continue in the long term. The 12-week programme covered quite a lot of ground, which takes time to consolidate and learn.”
“Probably trying to achieve the exercise goals I have been set.”
What was your favourite aspect?
Weight Watchers:
“That you could opt for an online-only programme and the online resources were good.”
“Probably occasionally going to the meetings with a friend.”
Slimming World:
“That you could eat certain foods quite freely.”
“Also going to the meeting with a friend.”
Second Nature:
“The basic principles were easy to remember. I liked that Second Nature looked at all aspects of health and was a more forgiving but long-term approach. The focus was not just on weight loss but how you feel and your well-being. The basic principles were easy to remember. That it is run online and you can get as involved as much or as little as you like.”
“I love that I have really learnt so much, which I did not on the other programmes. I feel l now have a real understanding of nutrition science.”
Which was the best value for money?
“I would have to say that Second Nature has been the best value for money and the ability to drop out and get a refund within the first few weeks was comforting – a no risk trial!”
“As I did not stay on either Weight Watchers® or Slimming World® for long, I cannot say they were good value. There is slightly more cost with Second Nature, but the amount of support and quality information makes it much better value for money as the outcomes are far superior.”
Did you lose weight and keep it off?
Weight Watchers:
“Yes I lost a bit but did not keep it off.”
“I lost a little but put it back on very quickly.”
Slimming World:
“Yes I lost a bit but did not keep it off.”
“I lost a little bit did not keep it off.”
Second Nature:
“I have lost almost a stone and a half in the last 12 weeks. I hope to keep it off as I will not be changing the way I eat. I am confident that I will lose some more!”
“I am still on the program and have lost weight and feel that Second Nature is sustainable. My mindset has changed my motivation has improved, so I am confident that I will not put the weight that I have lost back on.”
Take home message
We really disagree with WW and Slimming World’s approach to losing weight, which we would argue is psychologically unsafe and risk setting people up with a very negative relationship with food.
WW and Slimming World seem to primarily focus on diet, whereas Second Nature tackles weight loss from all angles (exercise, nutrition, sleep, mindset).
Second Nature members seem confident that they have been given the tools to stay on track with their healthy habits in the long term, not just during the programme.
Face-to-face meetings (provided by Weight Watchers and Slimming World) work for some people more than others, depending on how you’re motivated.
Second Nature is totally online and app-based, which makes it easier to fit into daily life for some people.
Second Nature is the only programme that offers one-to-one support which can help with motivation