Zeenat first joined Second Nature in 2020, however it wasn’t quite the right time for her. Fast forward to 2021 – Zeenat felt she was in the right frame of mind to focus and make lasting lifestyle changes, so decided to give the programme another try.
*A stock image has been used*
A little about you
I’ve just entered my 40s, juggling home, a young child, and a very busy full-time job and social life. Since having my child, stress has been a common aspect of my life. I went from being slim and active and not having to worry about weight, to putting on a lot of weight in just a few years. Adding to this, I was having secondary fertility issues which didn’t help matters.
I struggled to find time for myself and got to the point where my mental and physical health were suffering and I needed to take control of my life.
“I re-joined SN with a determination to make some long-lasting changes to my physical and mental health.”
This is my third time starting Second Nature (third time lucky, I like to think!). The first I had to stop after a few weeks as I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I miscarried. I joined again 6 months later. However, I had just started a new job in the middle of the pandemic and was not in the right frame of mind to focus on myself.
A year later, I felt I was ready to focus and make changes. I had put on more weight, like many others, during lockdown. My clothes no longer fit well and I didn’t like looking in the mirror.
I joined the gym, got myself a personal trainer, and re-joined SN with a determination to make some long-lasting changes to my physical and mental health.
“My confidence in myself is coming back.”
My attitude towards food has changed immensely. I’m much more aware of my portion sizes and I very rarely feel the need to snack anymore! When I do, I try to use the hunger scale and ask myself if I am actually hungry or if I’m feeling bored or thirsty!
My clothes fit better and my posture has improved – my confidence in myself is coming back. I’m also more aware of how certain foods affect my mood and physical wellbeing – and feel I can now control this better.
“I don’t swing between the highs and lows anymore.”
I have so much more energy now – I’ve realised too many carbs can make me feel very lethargic. Now, I am sleeping more soundly and my stress levels are considerably lower. I’m much more motivated to attend my Zumba classes, my PT sessions, swimming etc. My mood is much more balanced and positive. I don’t swing between the highs and lows anymore and I genuinely feel like I can cope with life better.
Overall, my fitness has improved, my mindset is so much more positive, and I have energy to keep moving, which all motivate me to keep trying to do well.
“I love that Second Nature is focused on long-term changes and is not just another diet.”
The recipes and meal planner are my saviours. It’s great to be able to pick and choose recipes and not have to think too much myself. And I know I will feel comfortable afterwards.
Additionally, I love that Second Nature is not marketed as a diet, and is focused on long-term changes. Having the odd day to relax and enjoy is not frowned upon – the focus is the overall change. The health coaches are very informative and helpful and it’s great to have the support of the group as well.
Is there any advice you would give to others looking to make a positive lifestyle change?
For anyone looking to make a positive lifestyle change, I’d encourage you to give it everything you can – it’ll be worth it! But don’t mistake Second Nature as being a diet at all – it’s definitely a change in mindset, lifestyle and attitude towards food and health.
For anyone already on the programme – keep going, you’ve done the hardest bit by committing to making a change, you will get there!
You can read more Second Nature stories here.