Kaye, from Australia, wanted a program to support her lose weight and improve her health without the need to go to a weekly group. After joining Second Nature, Kaye has seen fantastic improvements in her all-round health and is looking forward to seeing where this journey takes her!
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A bit about you
My main reason for doing Second Nature was that I wanted to see if I could follow a program where I didn’t have to attend a weekly meeting but had the support to lose some of the weight I had gained and get down some dress sizes. I also wanted to be fitter and have more energy. I want to be able to keep up with in some way my grandchildren.
Improvements from the get-go
Since starting the program I found the first week a challenge with the increase in my water intake and reducing my caffeine. I did however succeed and felt much better for having done this. Over the following weeks I found that this becomes easier and I still have my early morning coffee but nothing after midday, this has made me feel so much better. My water intake increased and I’m now used to drinking 10 glasses every day. This for me has become Second Nature. I also enjoyed the menu planning and have found that I’m saving money by doing this. I’ve tried many of the recipes supplied and have found most very appetising. I wasn’t good at this before the program but find it now an essential way to ensure I eat well and save money. So it’s a big, big win for me.
Currently, I feel amazing. I’m losing weight and can already get into clothes that I haven’t for quite some time. I’ve increased my energy levels and am doing so much more than before which is also helping with my step count and exercise. My friends have noticed a change in my mood (this could also having something to do with the new man in my life, who I must say has been extremely supportive) however, I feel amazing. Everything for me has improved. I can walk and talk which I haven’t done in years (I’m an asthmatic) so this is a great positive for me.
My overall mental state has improved, I feel like a new me. I’m so surprised that I’ve been able to maintain the weight loss without really feeling like I was on a “diet”. I’m rarely hungry, which is fantastic, so am not running to the fridge or cupboard to get something to eat. Which as a comfort eater I would have done in the past.
Knowledge is power
I’ve enjoyed reading the articles and found the ones about motivation really helpful. I would say that I found reading the articles very important and I gained a wealth of knowledge from them. The thing I like most about the program is that it’s easy to follow and it gives results. I’ve felt totally supported by my health coach, Steph, and enjoyed having discussions on the group chat when time allowed.
Any advice to your peers?
My advice to anyone thinking of embarking on a weight loss program is you should give Second Nature a go. The support is there when you need it. It’s easy to follow and it gets results. The information provided can be read in your own time and it is very informative and helpful. Your health coach is very supportive and will get back to you as soon as possible. This really works, so don’t procrastinate any longer and get onboard.
For anyone who is struggling on the program, don’t let a set back hold you back from achieving your goals. Put them behind you, focus on what you did well and move on, don’t dwell on what you did wrong and don’t let this little mistake become a much bigger one. Move forward always. Second Nature has sure helped me get this far and I am sure it can help you. I’m still continuing my journey and with the support and information I’m receiving and I’m positive I will achieve my goals.
I’m sure Second Nature can help you too.
You can read more Second Nature stories here.