Gill grew up in the UK but moved to Australia for her dream job. After visiting friends in England back in 2019 – Gill started to realise that a change was needed, but it felt like an impossible task. Then, after seeing a friend from England posting about a Second Nature recipe, Gill decided to give the program a go. Since then, she feels lighter, fitter, has discovered a love of cooking, and overall feels like a much more confident person!
A bit about you
Originally from the UK, I moved to Australia for a dream job in the arts in Sydney. I’ve always been someone who has struggled with their weight; always been plump and then yoyo dieted to drop down a dress size. I love to exercise, always have done, so fitness is not the issue – it was food! I have a real sweet tooth and no cut-off button – if a packet of biscuits gets opened they are then all gone that evening (well they were – I haven’t eaten biscuits since the beginning of January!)
I am 58 years old, so the last few years have seen me into post-menopause which affected my body shape as well – no bottom, thinner legs, thick waist. I’m only 5 ft so all these things really show – I started to feel like a little ball. I love yoga, but when I did a shoulder stand, my stomach flopped into my face – not a good look.
Towards the end of 2019, I went back home to the UK to visit family and I once more enjoyed all the tasty carb-laden meals so reminiscent of my past – cottage pie & roast dinners! Plus puddings like apple pie and cream. On my return to Sydney, I tried to manage what I was eating but it felt impossible, and I weighed in at 63 kgs (remember I am small).
An inspired social media post
Then a friend back in England posted a meal onto her Facebook feed saying ‘this is yummy, and I feel really full on this eating plan’. It did look delicious! So I found out more about Second Nature online and decided to do the free 5-day programme, which I began on 6th January 2020. I wrote in the journal – ‘excited to start this – to manage what I put in my body better’.
Straight away I loved what the programme offered. The articles are really well written and I learnt a lot. The structure of the journal and daily food diary also appealed to me – especially the food diary which makes me accountable to myself. I lost 1.5 kg in 5 days! I felt so proud of myself – again, I wrote ‘I know I can do this when I am in “the zone” – that means limiting sugar, bread, and alcohol – making my own food and lots of green things.
The structure suited me – of writing a food plan for the week – buying the food you need – and the recipes are really delicious. It is a plan that is about what you can have, not what you can’t – that is hugely psychologically important. I knew that to change an unhealthy habit, i.e addiction to sugar, would take at least three months. I decided to continue onto the premium program and 10 weeks into that I now weigh 55.5kg, with just 1kg left to go.
Lighter, fitter, & full of energy!
Some of the biggest changes have been in my energy levels – I am literally lighter, bounding around, I’m up earlier, walking longer, swimming harder. I look different – when Skyping a friend she said ‘omg it’s like you’ve had a face-lift!’ because my double chin has nearly gone! And so I can wear more clothes – I am not choosing big floaty things that cover up the fat. So my confidence has grown too. I’m not missing anything – I thought I would crave sweet things but this hasn’t happened. Perhaps one of the biggest changes has been how much I’ve begun enjoying cooking again. I am now finding that to be a joy, like gardening is – a creative act which is one I feel I have control over.
If I have any advice, it would be to acknowledge how much of all this is about a mental attitude, being in ‘the zone’ – Second Nature offers so much support, in a way that I have really responded to. The articles and nutritional info are just great. Really, three delicious meals a day are on the menu!
You can read more Second Nature stories here.